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Essay Writing Strategies for High School Students

Essay Writing Strategies

What Are Writing Strategies for Essays?

Essay writing strategies are the methods used to achieve the desired outcome of a written text. Various approaches have been suggested as the various writing strategies, but any conscious effort applied during the writing process can be considered a strategy. Writing strategies help authors effectively convey their intended message in their writing. Writing strategies can vary in length, from three to ten items or more, due to the diversity of text types. Broad categories like organization, tone, and research can help categorize these methods. For instance, when seeking assistance, some writers may opt for a cheap essay writing service as part of their strategy to manage costs while ensuring quality output.

  1. Pre-planning writing strategies
  2. Outlining essay writing tips
  3. Copy Editing Strategy For Effective Copywriting
  4. Basic writing strategies

Pre-planning Writing Strategy for Success

Effective writing requires technical preparation before the first draft. The process, known as prewriting, involves various strategies to convey the main point effectively to the reader. Improving writing skills through mindful steps and Using tools to organize and refine ideas creating effective content through thoughtful planning stages.

  • Mind-mapping
  • Outlining
  • Researching
  • Targeting
  • Feedback


Mind mapping organizes ideas on paper with circles around a theme.

A clear layout is created by connecting ideas with lines/circles.

Easily add new ideas by revisiting the central phrase topic.

Maintain focus on the main theme to avoid wandering with irrelevant ideas.

It is helpful for non-linear thinkers who prefer visual organization.


Outlining is a pre-writing technique to organize ideas and main points in planning a structured outline before essay writing. It helps writers to organize ideas and main points for a coherent and logical final piece.

Section Description
  • Hook: Start with an engaging sentence to capture the reader’s interest.
  • Background Information: Provide necessary context or background information.
  •  Thesis Statement: Present the main argument or purpose of the essay.
Body Paragraphs:
  • Main point: Topic sentences introduce the main idea of a paragraph.
  • Support: Details like evidence and examples help explain and support the topic sentence.
  • Transition: Transition sentences smoothly lead readers to the next paragraph.
  • Restate Thesis: Summarize the main argument.
  • Summarize Key Points: Review main points.
  • Closing Statement: End with a final thought.


Researching is vital for essay writing help, collecting and evaluating information from various sources to support arguments. Identify reliable sources such as academic journals and books, and note key points for analysis.

  1. Identify Reliable Sources:
  2. Take Detailed Notes:
  3. Evaluate Information:
  4. Organize Research:
  5. Integrate Research:


Identifying and focusing on a specific audience in writing is known as targeting. It involves understanding the characteristics, interests, and needs of readers to tailor content, language, and style for effective communication. This strategy helps make essay writing strategies more engaging and persuasive, considering the expectations of teachers, the interests of peers, and the requirements of assessments for high school students.


Feedback is important for learning and improvement. It includes constructive comments and suggestions to help understand strengths and areas for development. Effective feedback is specific, behavior-focused, and actionable, fostering growth and continuous improvement in various contexts like academic, professional, and personal settings.

Effective Outlining Essay Writing Tips:

A content outline is like a blueprint for your article, containing headers, images, facts, and statistics. It’s an essential tool in crafting well-organized and informative content. A content outline lays out all the components of your article before writing, ensuring coherence and flow. MasterClass offers well-researched content with structured lessons and guidance from instructors, making it an invaluable resource for writers seeking essay help. By creating a content outline, you can systematically address all your questions and save significant time in the essay writing strategies, leading to more polished and effective essays.

Essay Guide to Creating Content Outline:

Choose SERP topic:

  1. Start by researching popular topics and keywords related to SERPsIdentify key subtopics like SERP features, optimization strategies, and user intent.
  2. Organize subtopics logically from general to specific.
  3. Include relevant statistics, case studies, and examples.
  4. Provide actionable tips for optimizing content and improving rankings.
  5. Conclude with key takeaways and a call to action for better SERP performance.

Collect information:

  1. Creating a content outline starts with gathering relevant information on the topic.
  2. Conduct thorough research using sources like books, articles, and credible websites.
  3. Take detailed notes and organize them based on key themes.
  4. Identify important data, statistics, and examples.
  5. Incorporate insights from interviews, surveys, or expert opinions.
  6. Gather comprehensive and reliable information to ensure clarity, depth, and relevance in your content outline.

Create headlines to help with writing an essay:

  1. Identify target audience and interests.
  2. Brainstorm headline ideas with factors like relevance and uniqueness.
  3. Organize headlines into categories based on themes.
  4. Prioritize compelling headlines.
  5. Review and refine the outline to effectively communicate a message and capture the audience’s attention.
  6. Create a comprehensive content outline showcasing headline creation expertise.

Write introduction & conclusion:

  1. The content outline for the introduction and conclusion involves key steps.
  2. Introduction: grab the reader’s attention with a hook, provide background, and state the thesis.
  3. Conclusion: restate the thesis, summarize the main points, and avoid new information.
  4. End with a closing statement for closure or further thought.
  5. Follow the steps for a well-structured and impactful intro and conclusion in content creation.

Organize information:

  1. The content outline organizes ideas for clarity and coherence.
  2. Identify main topics, and break them down into subtopics.
  3. Use headings and subheadings for hierarchy.
  4. Logically sequence information.
  5. Ensure smooth flow and audience understanding.
  6. The outline serves as a roadmap for efficient content development.

Include statistics & links:

  1. Create a content outline with statistics and links.
  2. Define the main topic and break it into sections.
  3. Identify relevant statistics for credibility.
  4. Include sources for verification.
  5. Support points with research studies, articles, and reports.
  6. Ensure well-organized, informative, and trustworthy content.

Add images:

Creating a content outline with images involves outlining main topics and subtopics, identifying where images can enhance understanding, and choosing high-quality images. Draft the structure logically, mark points for images, and ensure they provide value. Select relevant images and attribute them if needed. This ensures informative and visually appealing content.

Copy Editing Writing Techniques for Essays

Ensure accuracy and clarity in writing:

To create a content outline for accurate and clear essay writing strategies, start by identifying the main topic and purpose. Break it down into sections with main ideas and subpoints for details. Use bullet points or numbers for organization. Ensure a coherent flow between sections. Review for completeness and logical structure to craft well-organized content.

Demonstrate authority and empathy:

Strategically create authoritative and empathetic content by thoroughly researching topics to showcase expertise, using clear language to assert knowledge, considering audience perspective and addressing their needs, concerns, and emotions, and balancing information with an empathetic tone to build trust and engagement.

Use finesse in writing:

A content outline requires careful organization and presentation to captivate and educate your readers, even when aiming to write an essay fast. Begin with a concise introduction outlining the topic and purpose, ensuring clarity and focus. Divide the content into structured sections with descriptive headers to aid navigation. Use straightforward, powerful sentences and transitions for seamless ideas, facilitating quick comprehension. Incorporate diverse sentence structures and vocabulary for reader engagement, even in the rush of writing swiftly. Conclude with a bold summary to strengthen key points and leave a lasting impression. A cohesive and detailed approach, despite speed constraints, enhances the impact of your writing, ensuring both efficiency and effectiveness.

Follow the checklist for editing:

To create a content outline, organize ideas systematically for clarity. Define the main topic and purpose, then break it into sections with key points. Use bullet points for reference. Follow the checklist for editing: check flow, cover main points, verify facts, and remove redundancies. This structured approach streamlines the writing process and improves content quality.

Basic writing strategies:

Improving student writing is a shared responsibility among faculty members outside of the English department. Faculty should stress the value of clear writing and reward good writing, even in last minute essay assignments. Assigning writing tasks, offering guidance, and encouraging peer feedback can help students improve their skills, even when time is limited. Instructors should prioritize providing constructive feedback over grading every piece of essay writing strategies, especially in rushed situations. Collaborating with other faculty members to incorporate writing effectively into courses can be beneficial for students to learn and understand the material better, even with last-minute deadlines.

Handouts with specific instructions on writing for different subjects can also be helpful for students, ensuring they can quickly grasp and apply writing principles, even in a time crunch. Ultimately, fostering a supportive environment that values and prioritizes good writing will lead to improvement in students’ writing skills across disciplines, including those faced with last-minute essay tasks.